Early Childhood Education

Sleep II

The RAE states that the definition of “dream” is the act of sleep, and the definition of “sleep” is to be found in a state of rest that consists of the inaction or suspension of the senses and of all voluntary movement. 

Definition of ‘sleep’

The concept of sleep as stated by Pin (2010) is considered a physiological process highly organized where both the necessary maturity of the central nervous system and the singular and self-adaptation of each child in their family context intervene. 

sleep is a fundamental physiological need for our health (Albares, Alonso, Canet, Cano, Cubel, Estivill, … Villalobos, 2010).

Main ideas: observation, interpretation and visibility of sleep 

A teacher should learn to observe and be able to listen to the movements of the children between 0-3 years to understand their actions and act in consequence with the best professional response to achieve the optimal evolution development in students. 

As said by Albares, Alonso, Canet, Cano, Cubel, Estivill, … Villalobos (2010), both the progenitors and the education professionals should know a series of guidelines that provide the children with emotional and physical stability when falling asleep. 

  • During the baby’s first months of life, most of their day is spent sleeping. while they sleep, they can make involuntary movements or spasms. These movements are normal, and we should not wake the baby up. 
  • It is very important that while the baby is eating, he/she is awake, so they distinguish sleep from food.
  • After the hygienic cares, the baby will be left alone in their crib, so they learn to sleep by themselves and that the last thing they remember before falling asleep is the crib. 
  • We have to establish routines before putting the baby to bed, follow the same steps every time so they interiorize the process of sleep 
  • When the baby is 5 or 6 months old, we will put a stuffed toy in their crib to make them feel accompanied. 
  • If the baby wakes up at night, we should not pick them up or turn the light on. We will soothe him with caresses and affectionate words
  • The room has to be peaceful, dark, and quiet. 
  • We have to make sure that before putting the baby to sleep, he is calm. If he is calm, he will sleep and rest better
  • In order for the baby to have a deep, relaxed, and unaltered sleep, the professional has to know the type of foods that are adequate for that age once they can ingest solid food, like chocolate, or fizzy drinks 
  • Children between 2 and 5 years old should always take a nap, otherwise, they will fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon because they need it, and this will alter their sleeping pattern


To finish, as we can review, the children take naps after lunch in all schools where we have practiced. Even though there are differences between them, like having beds so children can take a nap in them and in others, they have to take their own sleeping bag and sleep on the floor.

Another difference is the space destined for this activity. One has a separate space, other adapt spaces. Because of this, we want to highlight that sleep is one of the most important procedures in the evolution of the child. It is something we should all observe, know how to interpret it and document it.


Albares, J.; Alonso, J.; Canet, T.; Cano, M.; Cubel, M; Estivill, E.; … Villalobos, P. (2010): Informe del Grupo Pediátrico de la Sociedad Española de Sueño (SES) y del Grupo de Sueño de la Sociedad de Pediatría Extrahospitalaria y Atención Primaria (SEPEAP): “Medidas preventivas de los problemas del sueño desde el nacimiento hasta la∫ adolescencia”. Acta Pediátrica Esp. (La Coruña). 2010; 68(4): 00-00.

Cádiz, Emilia (2013). Hábitos del sueño infantil en el seguimiento de 0-3 años en Rocafort (Valencia). Pautas educativas. [Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Valencia]

REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA: Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed., [versión 23.3 en línea]. <> [17 noviembre 2020].

Vlog No Copyright Music. (27 de enero de 2017) Fredji – Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music) [archivo de video] YouTube.


Almudena Parra, Nuria Renedo y Cristina Salcines, 2020.