Educazione per bambini

Workshop II

“The workshops understood as spaces for growth guarantee the children the possibility of doing things and, at the same time, encourage reflection on what they are doing. The workshop is a specialised place where thoughtful activities take place”. (Borghi, 2005)

This methodology presents some objectives according to the Federación de Enseñanza de CC.OO. de Andalucía (2010, p.1 & 2)

  • Develop the socialization of children.
  • Encourage habits of respect, sharing and order.
  • Acquiring different techniques
  • Improve relations between equals.
  • Make use of the objects produced in the workshops.

As for the characteristics of the workshops, we can highlight the following:

In order to carry out the workshops, the interests of the students must be kept in mind, since it is preferable thatthe starting point of the workshop begins with what the students want to do.

These workshops help to develop the autonomy of the children, both space and time will be considered for their planning, trying to allow the student to follow his or her own learning pace.

The students can access the materials through different types of expressive languages.

In these projects not only teachers and students participate, families must also join together in order to collaborate.

One of the objectives is to connect the knowledge that the students already have with the activity to be carried out by adopting a constructivist model.


Borghi, B. Q. (2005). Los talleres en educación infantil: espacios de crecimiento (Vol. 12). Graó.

Federación de Enseñanza de CC.OO de Andalucía (2010, p.2)

Federación de Enseñanza de CC.OO de Andalucía (2011, p. 1)

Los talleres en el aula de infantil. (2011, septiembre). Temas para la educación, 16, 1-6.

Universidad de Córdoba. (s. f.). Los talleres en Educación Infantil.


Patricia Martínez Martínez, Adrián Pérez Arce, Cristina Revuelta Guerra y Adriana Temiño Martín, 2020.