Tecnologie della Formazione in Presenza e a Distanza

Inclusione nell’insegnamento a distanza e nell’apprendimento a distanza

Hello everybody!

Today we are going to talk about Inclusion in Distance Teaching and Distance Learning.

Distance teaching is a typology of transmission, discussion and sharing of learning, realized by online platforms for videoconferences, videochat and scripts, to be introduced in the school system in case there won’t be the possibility to do lessons in presence.

Distance teaching can be used also in normal context, to encorurage students’ learning of skills like know how to work in teams at distance, the use of technological means and platforms prepared for learning.

Distance training/learning is a modality of provision of learning trails in alternative to learning in presence, by the use of online platforms for videoconferences. Inclusion presupposes the use of different tools like computers or tablets. and a stable internet connection.

The problem is that, often people, don’t have the chance of having them at home. In fact, some research has highlighted that only the 76,1% of Italian families has an internet connection at home. To allow everyone to access and partecipate in distant teaching and distance learning It is important for the institutions to ensure that resources are equally distribuited.

The term “inclusion” also refers to the cultural issues that arise from the use of distance learning, such as the lack of female emancipation. J.H. Kelland, professor of the University of Alberta, wrote that “In case of women who work from home, participating in distance learning rather than being a means of expanding their horizons, limits them , by keeping them isolated.

As regards kids with special educational needs, example of inclusion in distance teaching are attempts from institutions of not segregate them, by giving them the same inclusion, in terms of human relations, which would be guaranteed in presence.

The Pedagogy and Special Didactics professor at the University of Bolzano, Dario Ianes, said: “We don’t have to forget that for disabled pupils, inclusion means learning and participation, that is relationship with teachers and classmates, and therefore this will be a difficult time.” by referring to emergency epidemiological period that we are living.

About the fruition of distance teaching from students with disabilities, the University of Padua provides support for study and educational activities such as PC, tablets, keyboards and others instruments, which can be taken on loan. In addition, a tutor may be required to manage the study of a given discipline.

In Distance Teaching it has therefore try to insert tools, called “compensatory”, such as: audio books, electronic diary, word processing programs with spell checker, all aimed to facilitating the learning.

Another important way of inclusion of students with special needs, is the use of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC), defined by the pediatric neuropsychiatrist Aurelia Rivarola as: “Set of knowledge, techniques, strategies and technologies that facilitate and increase communication in people who have difficulties using the most common communication channels, especially oral language and writing”. An example in the image below.

The University of Padua is an example of how the inclusion of students with any type of vulnerability is a theme to be taken into account in the provision of training, especially during a worldwide pandemic that has limited lessons to the online. An example of the University’s inclusiveness was the development of an automatic transcription system for synchronous or asynchronous lessons, usable by students with auditory disabilities.

The Patavino Atenee has also described in guidelines for teachers, how to prepare slides, online materials , that are accessible to any student; as well as tutorials useful to understand the use of online platforms.

Inclusion in Distant Teaching and Distance Learning means, therefore, giving everyone the opportunity to access the content and video lessons, in order to continue to provide quality education and training, fundamental for the individual and social growth of people.

In this final slide we have reported the bibliography from which we have extrapolated our definition about the distance teaching and distant learning. Thank you for your attention! We hope that you’ve enjoyed our work and we hope this will help you on your life path.


Created by Lubiato Sara, Sartorato Chiara and Zatta Veronica, from the University of Padua (Italy), 2021.