Educazione Primaria

Work projects

Project learning in the classroom is an innovative educational method that arises from Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. This methodology allows children to acquire knowledge and skills by becoming protagonists of their own learning. In this way, they will be able to develop their autonomy by being responsible for planning, structuring, implementing and evaluating their own work. That is, they can actively participate in their own educational process. This perspective tries to claim the transgressive and creative potential of work projects based on the search for non-fragmented knowledge and the development of an integrated curriculum.

To carry out this work plan, we must take into account what we want to do, why we are going to do it, what we are going to need, what we will do it with, where we can find what is necessary, and who is going to do each task and how.


Alejandra Alonso y Sara Alonso, 2020.