The proposal of the workshops is very relevant in the infantile stage, because they are “a pedagogic strategy that tries to improve the conditions that make possible the participation of the child in the construction of his knowledge” (Torio, 1997, p. 7).
In addition, they provide infants with the opportunity to do things, both individually and in small groups; “they incite reflection on what they are doing: they play, investigate, explore, they can be curious, try and try again, look for solutions, concentrate, act calmly without the obsession of obtaining immediate results at all costs” (Laguía and Vidal, 2008, p. 17). Likewise, the workshops are going to favor children, because the activities carried out in them promote experimentation and social relations (Laguía and Vidal, 2008).
Below, we will describe some of the general ideas that Torio (1997) puts forward about the workshops:
The objective of the workshops is to create something new, that is, to make innovative creations. Therefore, in this proposal we learn procedures, because the activities that are carried out are systematized, they have a certain order and time.
As for the role of teachers in this process, before carrying out the workshops, they meet with the rest of theteachers to decide the topic on which the proposal will be based, planning the spaces where they will be held, either inside or outside the classroom, to organize and plan the activities; as well as to decide what materials will be needed,since thanks to the workshops they will have the opportunity to bring other tools and objects that are not usually in the classroom. So, once the workshops start, the teacher will have a total intervention, observing the process, designing and organizing the spaces and materials.
Regarding the role of the students in this process, before starting the workshops they will be informed of what is going to happen. Thus, later on they carry out the different activities of the workshops, where they play, manipulate, experiment, relate to other students, besides learning strategies on how to do certain things, which, is beneficial for them, since they are going to obtain a greater autonomy.
In conclusion, we believe that the workshops are an innovative way of working with children, since they provide them with a great variety of knowledge, skills and learning, while serving to promote the development of their autonomy.
Laguía, M.J. & Vidal, C. (2008). Rincones de actividad en la escuela infantil. Barcelona: Graó.
Torio, S. (1997). “Talleres y rincones en Educación Infantil: su vigencia psicopedagógica hoy”. Comunicación presentada en el Congreso de Córdoba. Córdoba, España.
Carrascosa-Molina, S. (2009). Los talleres en el aula de Educación Infantil. Revista Digital Innovación y Experiencias Educativas (14), 1-9.
Alexandra Lobera Gil y Carlota Rincón Fanego, 2020.