Goodmorning everybody,
We present you the notion of Inclusive Assessment in the school system, of subjects with SEN and SLD, referring to Italian legislation. Being included is a way of living together, based on belief that each individual has value and belongs to the community, understood in this way, inclusion can take place, not only in school, but in multiple settings.
According to Jurgen Habermas “Inclusion is a Basic Law, which does not depend on the conditions and the ability of individuals, but it consists in the elimination of borders to create a community open to all”.
The index is a complete document in support of inclusive development in schools. Inside the Index, Inclusion it refers to the education of all children with SEN and SLD, and with normal learning.
The objectives of this index are to create a vision of shared values, define community strategies, put the issue of globalization at the center, and respect the theme of differences.
School assessment concerns the learning and behavior of students, constitutes a stimulus to continuous improvement to finalize the didactic paths to the acquisition of disciplinary, personal and social skills.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic n. 122, article 1, paragraph 2: “Every individual has the right to an transparent and timely evaluation” paragraph 3: “The object of the assessment is the learning process, behavior and academic performance.” “Evaluation contributes, with its formative purpose and through the identification of potential and shortcomings, to self-assessment processes, to the improvement of knowledge levels and educational success.” paragraph 4: “The intermediate checks, and periodic and final evaluations must be consistent with learning objectives set out in the training offer plan. To evaluate, the teacher must know the student his characteristics: his learning styles, his strengths and critical issues”.
And according to all this must prepare evaluation tools appropriate to detect the quality, of the knowledge that the learner has acquired. Evaluation is inclusive, because it responds at the same time to the demand for individualization, and customization.
The acronym SEN indicates Special Educational Needs, included by the World Health Organization in the International Classification functioning of disability and health. Special Education Needs represent particular, permanent or temporary needs learning, which can arise for different reasons.
They are divided into three categories: disability; specific developmental disorders (in particular SLD, attention deficit and hyperactivity); and disorders related to socio-economic, linguistic and cultural factors (therefore SEN in the strict sense).
The acronym SLD, instead, indicates Specific Learning Disorders. Theme of great importance fort the impact they have on childhood development and on the construction of personality. SLD involve the reading skills (therefore we speak of dyslexia), writing skills (therefore disorthography) and calculation skills (dyscalculia).
The law 170 of 2010 recognizes and describes these four learning disorders, emphasizing the need for rapid diagnosis and effective training.
It is also proposed to locate the didactic forms and the most appropriate evaluation methods; so that students with SLD can achieve educational success.
This also happens thanks to PDP, that is a personalized teaching plan, an obligatory programming document with which school defines the operations it intends put in place towards students with special didactic needs, but not attributable to disability (in this case we would speak of PEI, Individualized Didactic Plan).
Guidelines of 2011 define minimum contents and maximum definition times, that must be present in PDP (which can also be extended to SENs).
For students with LSD, the PDP must be articulated for the disciplines involved in the disorder and must contain: personal data, the the type of disorder, individualized and personalized didactic activities, compensatory instruments and dispensatory measures, and finally, forms of verification and personalized evaluation.
Students with SEN or SLD are evaluated referring to the Decree of the President of the Republic (number 122) in particular reference is made to article 10 which deals with the evaluation of students with SLD (also extendable to to subjects with SEN).
The rules set out in the article have the aim of demonstrate the level of learning achieved, without be penalized by procedures that they do not consider he specific difficulties, keeping separate skills and competences from access difficulties related to the disorder.
The teachers therefore have to pay attention to how the test is structured as well as to the timing of its execution, paying attention to the mastery of the disciplinary contents.
In this slide we present you the sitography we referred to during the research. And we thank you for your attention.
Callegher Elisa & Sfoggia Greta, 2021.